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See what we've released and updated in 2024

Emily Caldwell avatar
Written by Emily Caldwell
Updated over a week ago

April 2024

Non-Compete Notice Tool

Responding to the FTC’s non-compete ban, we've crafted a tool to help employers create the required individualized notice. Find this handy tool in the Agreements Library.

Political Activity Policy

Election year is here! To keep things smooth in the workplace, we've added a political activity policy to our Employee Handbook.

Show Latest Changes

If you haven't customized a document, and regenerated it because of a SixFifty update, this feature will highlight the changes between different versions. This makes it easy to see what legal updates have been applied to the document.

Other news

  • Users must answer all required questions to generate a document. This ensures we have all the info needed for compliant, accurate documents.

March 2024

New Clause Library in the Research Center

Attention, Business Docs users! Our new Clause Library, found in the Research module, is your new best friend for all things commercial clauses. Easily find, understand, and generate clauses with just a few clicks. If you aren't a Business Docs user, reach out to your CS Manager to learn more.

Apply Existing Answers to a New Document

Starting a fresh document just got easier. With this new functionality, you can duplicate only the answers from an existing document. This way, you get a clean slate without carrying over version history or unwanted edits. Read more about it here.

Easier Updates to Edited Documents

Big documents? No problem! Even if our AI Merge can't handle it, you can still easily apply legal updates and changes from our team. Learn more about the magic behind it.

Other news

  • Answers are now saved in Text Areas as well as text fields.

  • The Privacy Cookie tool has been rebuilt—no more legacy app redirects.

  • The updated Training module is live for Privacy users, replacing the Beta version.

  • The Document Data table is now in the Outline drawer.

  • The Outline behavior is improved for smaller screens to avoid overlap.

    • On browser windows wider than 1150 px, the Outline is always visible.

    • On narrower windows, the Outline momentarily appears before hiding.

February 2024

Determine if Job Positions are Exempt or Non-Exempt

Confused about employee exemptions under the FLSA? Our Exempt Nonexempt Analyzer to the rescue! It walks you through the criteria and provides a clear summary. Check it out in the Hiring Docs module.

Upload Offline Documents to Store and Edit Within the Platform

Got offline Word documents? Upload them to our platform and keep everything in one place.

Note: Our upload functionality currently does not analyze or audit documents. We'd love to hear your feedback on what you'd like to see. Please drop us some feedback on the platform.

January 2024

Assign Questions to Users and Guests

Need answers from someone outside your organization? Invite them to answer questions on a document. Share entire questionnaires now, with single-question sharing coming soon!

Combined US Privacy Notice

Introducing the Combined All-US Privacy Notice, a comprehensive document to address general personal data handling and state privacy law disclosures. Accessible for US Privacy customers.

Inform Customers About How Your Org Uses Cookies

Keep your customers in the loop with a clear Cookie Policy. Inform them about how your organization uses cookies on your website and app. Included in the US Privacy, California Privacy, and Business Docs modules.

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